Monday, November 10, 2008

Walk The Talk!

I’m going to make this week’s blog as simple and as easy as it possible can be.

I’m always excited to be involved in public training as it will bring together a group of Individuals from different organizations with different values.
This week I had the privilege to facilitate the Customer Focus Selling Program organized by ATCEN at the ATCEN Learning Center. Ten individuals from various Sales background and organizations came together to learn and share valuable knowledge in regards to Effective Customers Service and Sales.

We came together, shared experience, spoke about a few sales theories, and most importantly we had fun. Now, one may wonder what does this have to do with Team Events?

At the end of the Training, the group of 10 individuals participated in a Team Challenge that would require them to put everything they had learned in to practice. Prior to that, a few of the individuals had a conversation with me in regards to the importance of having more theoretical methodology to increase sales performance.

And what do you know? It was these same individuals who were so insistent on theories that caused them to fail in the Final Team Challenge.

The results speak for itself, It’s easy to talk about theories, it’s the implementation and practice that counts. They had an amazing breakthrough after the activities. Walk your talk!!!

Talking about teambuilding can be cheap. Over the past few days I’ve learnt that It will take an individual to really care about and give their all to make a team effective.

One individual can make a difference to the team. The choice is yours!

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At November 10, 2008 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theories is good to learn. It's more effective when we can apply the theories into practice.!

At November 10, 2008 at 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is also important for us to realize that we MUST communicate effectively consistently and continuously to ensure our team understand what we are trying to achieve.

At November 10, 2008 at 9:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was my comment above. Another thought. It is really easy to walk the talk. We just need to sacrifice and do it.

At November 12, 2008 at 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is also important because in a team, everyone is counting on each other to complete their part. The chain must not be broken. Yes, they are counting on you because you are very important to the team.

At November 12, 2008 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many human beings internalized the phrase "walk the talk"?? We always "talk" about "walk the talk"

i guess there is None or Minimal of human is practicing, however majority is doing the best to practice it.

always remember, before we comment on others on not walking the talk, are we the one who walks the talk first. no one is perfect. everyone is doing our own best.

good reminder of the article.


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