Monday, September 29, 2008

Peanuts for Monkeys

The past few weeks have been quite a depressing experience for me. Having to juggle an important client excited with the design of our upcoming TEAM events and the old rug rats who inhabit the dungeons called “PSMB”.

Since we are now currently in the mood of criticizing almost everything and everything in our OLD government. Let me become the devil’s advocate in the Training Industry by emphasizing the amount of stupidity laced with red tape that’s been happening with the procedures in PSMB especially when it comes to the Teambuilding program.

Experiential Team Development has progressed dramatically over the past years with new methods and technology that is being introduced into the delivery of an effective Team development program. During the Early Dinosaur Age, much emphasis was put into Theory and the Amount of Content used to measure the success of an effective Teambuilding. However, this method has been proven to be dull and it does not leave a lasting impression on its participants.

Through this blog, we have shared and emphasized different mechanics in creating a powerful and effective Team Programs that is personal and can create breakthrough moment for individuals and teams. It’s very unfortunate to know despite the increasing awareness on the ineffectiveness of old concepts, our government is still very fixed in the style of how a teambuilding program should run. There is no real appreciation to the Teambuilding program from PSMB until today.

A good example would be the rate of normal claims for a teambuilding program that still costs around RM3,500.00 per claim. A great teambuilding program will definitely cost higher then that. When will the government learn that to create a good program, you need to pay a premium ringgit – otherwise they’ll literally pay the price for it in the future with ineffective solutions and services. Wait a minute. It’s happened already.

Sad..but true


At September 30, 2008 at 12:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also fed up with those kind of PSMB Skim. How smart of that people fix the price as RM3,500 for in-house and teambuilding training. I would say that their intention is good, which is encourage company to dveloping their people continuously. However, another words, i would like to say they don't use their "brain" when come out with that kind of limitation. Sometimes it's really have no common sense. With the little money, but expecting more in quality & service. Fainted!!

At September 30, 2008 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people never learn as procedures are more important learning objectives.

At October 4, 2008 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSMB should adjust their process / policy of claims. The world is changing, they need to change accordingly. Be flexible and cope with the new learning environment approach. Else it defeats the purpose of encouraging organizations to learn.

At October 7, 2008 at 9:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSMB supposely implement an easy & simple procedures that can make every claims/application easier. This is because, the role of PSMB is to ensure the companies send their people to training. However, due to difficulty in PSMB liaison, most of them refuse to deal with PSMB. What PSMB should take into consideration is whether the training or the teambuilding conducted can meet the objectives or not. For example, teambuilding is about teamwork. How come the rules is minimum 30 pax per class. If the company has 200 employees, how these employees can get to know each other as they've been separated due to this procedure? Pikir2 kan lah.. renung2 kan lah..

At October 8, 2008 at 7:34 PM , Blogger Ms Yati said...

it's tiring dealing with PSMB on the claim especially. The process of approval is too long and the separation of department is a mess. Someone needs to set up and do something.

At October 13, 2008 at 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad.. but true!

too many red tapes, too many hassle in applying the scheme. Organizations got fed up and postpone/delay teambuilding/training... who lose in this tussling game?

We certainly hope that PSMB can create a win-win situation.

At October 20, 2008 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proses dibuat untuk memudahkan, bukan untuk menyusahkan..


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