Monday, September 22, 2008

Project Management Tips

Running a project is not an easy job. It requires well-planned strategies and there are steps to be followed. For every event, project management is required in order to ensure the event runs smoothly. Preparation is very crucial. Today, I’ll share with you some project management tips.

There are 3 steps in project management for every event:

1. Pre-Execution (Preparation)
This is where a project manager should consider what are the things needed for the project, who will be involved (manpower), where the event will be conducted, etc.

- The Project Manager (PM) will conduct the meeting to discuss with the teams about the itinerary of the program, the delegation of tasks and responsibility, the list of activities, and what is going to happen for that particular project.

- PM must manage the accommodation and transportation. Request for quotation must be made earlier to ensure the place is not fully booked and the transport is available for the particular date.

- Buy the materials needed, and if you already have it, the PM needs to ensure it’s in good condition. The materials of all stations must be packed and ready before the activities are conducted.

- Liasing with client: request 50% payment, participants namelist, confirmation of accommodation and transport vendor. The 50% must be in at least 2 weeks before the program, otherwise the project will not commence.

- All team facilitators must be clear about their responsibilities for respective stations, the materials needed, the show business, and the contingency plan.

2. During Execution
- During execution, the PM must ensure that the training room is comfortable and the layout of the room must be done accordingly as requested by the lead facilitator.

- Food must be served according to the timeplan and if there are problems, the PM must find the solution: ie, get the person in charge of F&B or conduct another activity with participant. Consult with the lead facilitator if the program time needs to be changed.

- All facilitators must maintain show business throughout the program days. If is an emergency or problems, PM must make a fast & right decision. Any consequences will be borne by PM, that’s why the right decision is very important.

3. Post Execution
This includes :
- Pack all the items and ensure all items in the list are packed accordingly and in good condition (functioning).

- Debriefing (sharing of what should or shouldn’t be doing for the next project, the team will discuss about what are the areas to be improved for next project if the same problems were to happen in the future or what are the better ways to make the project more smooth and easier to conduct.)

- The report of the project, where trainers will be inform about the outcome of the event, i.e: from participants feedback form, they’ll be asked about their satisfaction towards the program including the activities, the accommodation, transportation, etc. This information will help the client to improve on for future events as well.

- Remaining 50% payment must be made within the period that has been agreed between both parties. Certificate of completion for the participants will be given after the payment is made.


At September 22, 2008 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Project manage a project is not easy because we are not just managing the tasks but the emotions of clients, teammates and vendors. ensuring everyone happy and yet to have a good experience team event. those who has not been a project manager before may not understand truly how it feels when everything is focus on you.

At September 22, 2008 at 10:49 AM , Blogger Asyrani Legacy said...

The tips are good to be apply in all events. This show what should be happen in every event conducted. Good job...

At September 22, 2008 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great examples of what needs to be done during all events. That is why we have great events and events we hope to forget.

At September 23, 2008 at 12:21 AM , Blogger Ms Yati said...

What i've learnt from Project Management from CS training is to branch out any possible areas involved in the event/project...then you can move slowly from there to more structured planning.

At September 23, 2008 at 2:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PM is really a stress work, to be the middle man or woman, they need to know everthing and anything that happen before, during and after the event

At September 24, 2008 at 12:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A well planned project management can prevent headaches.

At September 26, 2008 at 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well plan event will making sure the event will be sucess and being a PM will help us to well plan our own life

At September 26, 2008 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good project management save a lot of time in execution of event.. it something that one have to learn or at any point experience it.

At October 2, 2008 at 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A successful project is depends on the good planning from PM and cooperation with the team. Good article to remind the PM or PM to be, what we need to do before, during and after the event.

At January 27, 2009 at 4:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your tips (with some exceptions) apply (in one way or the other) across the board, and not only for events.

Note: I have just published some project management tips which are equally useful and not topic specific.

At January 28, 2009 at 9:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting topic to explore, one of the issues that I have in managing a project would include managing time, funds and people. Resources will never be enough, would be greet if someone can write a topic on how to balance these 3 things in project management.


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