Monday, January 26, 2009

When Possibilities Overcomes Fear

“On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord”

– Barrack H Obama.

Like the many millions of people around the world, I was one of the few individuals who sat still in front of the TV with much anticipation and excitement to observe the historical inauguration of U.S President Elect Barack Hussein Obama II last Tuesday.

What gets me excited is the energy and anticipation behind the celebration. With the current economic crisis, global climate condition, war and the murder of the innocent, millions are dying and suffering on a daily basis while the “powers that be” can only observe and sympathize with the breakdowns happening in the world. It’s a relieve to know that possibilities for changes can occur, and that still have a slight amount of common sense in taking effective action rather than surrender to their own comfort and fear of the unknown possibilities in the future.

Just imagine, when Martin Luther King delivered his “I have a dream” speech during the March of Washington in 1963, who would have ever thought that it’s even possible for an African American to lead the United States, one of the most powerful nations on earth? A true example of how possibilities can really become a reality, as of today it is a known fact that an African American is the 44th President of the United States of America…

Either Obama would succeed, in leading the United States or the entire world back on its path, the true learning that I would gather from this event lies in Obama ability to create, visualize and stimulate the nations and the world interest for a better future and a better tomorrow. His vision for a better tomorrow is a great start to the path of leadership that is being neglected by most leaders in organization.

For leaders and leaders to be, think for while and reflect back on your team and start thinking on when was the last time you even communicate and talk about your vision and where would you like to see yourself and the team in the future?

Gosh… I’m already having Goosebumps for 2013… Clock is ticking for AIG to be public listed… And it will definitely happen!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

TT Junior Adventure Race 2009: A CSR Event for Corporate Companies to Participate

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) today is a part of the organizational way of succeeding in business. It’s a set of ethical action where organizations contribute to the society. Besides that, CSR is to nurture and aid in the progress of the various environments in which the corporation operates.

Regards to that, we as the specialist in team event and adventure take an initiative to organize a CSR event called “TT Junior Adventure Race 2009”. This is a CSR project where we will be partnering with corporate companies who would like to sponsor for the kids to join this exciting event. The kids can be the staff’s children or any kids from selected homes or school.

While looking for companies to sponsor for this event, I realized that not all companies see the importance of CSR. Some of the companies put requirements in sponsoring. Actually, CSR is one of the best ways for companies to take pride in giving back to the society. This is the best way for interacting with the communities through social work. Apart from business, every corporation plays a part in developing the nation, either to the people or the environment.

Regarding the issue of global warming and diseases that affect people in the world, this adventure race is an event that can raise the awareness of people especially the kids on how to protect the environment and practice a healthy life style in Malaysia. The sponsored kids will be exposed to the beautiful botanical garden and they’ll be having the challenges to develop their skills, teamwork and independence. In return, it will provide benefits to all parties involved, especially for the corporate. It will increase values for the company profile through brand recognition as well as providing opportunities for networking and developing of the companies’ business contacts.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Drum What?

I am a Drum Stomper and part of a community called Drum Denizens. Drum Denizens are a group of people having fun creating simple and rhythmic sounds of tuned drums, percussion and other musical instruments.

Drumming has been used for thousands of years to strengthen communities, raise their spirits, passion and drive the individuals and groups to unite and achieve one common goal.
I’ve always wanted a drum when I was a kid. I still remember my first drum set. It was made and put together by my late grandfather. It consisted of two iron pods, buckets or piles and the pod cover as the cimble. I was brought up in a “kampung” (or village). We didn’t have big toy stores or music shops there. But I guess the happiness I felt when I saw that DIY drum set is just the same as some kids who got their Yamaha or Tama drum set. But nowadays, you can see a lot of kids who are not that grateful for what they have.

I have been surrounded by rhythm and music since I can remember. Music is part of my life. And I’m blessed to be able to share the wonderful experience of drumming with you and many others.

However, I don’t play the drum set that used in a band. The kind of drum I use is the African drum or djembe (pronounced as jem-bay).

The Djembe is used mostly in community drumming or drum circle. To experience the wonderful effect of drumming, go to and ask us for the next jammin’ session. You will be revived and feel more alive that you have in a long time. What a great way to start the year!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Resolutions for Teams to Keep

For some of us, resolutions are like promises – they’re made to be broken. But now more than ever, with almost everything going downhill, you need a team that can keep it together and make it work. Believe me when I say that now also more than ever, you word is your bond. And if you say you’re going to do something, you had better make sure that you get it don. Resolutions are the best way to go.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, manager or executive, the responsibility for the success of your organization falls on your shoulders; it takes everyone to pull through -- but the burden is not yours alone. You need to enlist the team to help.

So here they are: 10 New Year's Resolutions and discussion topics -- suggestions you can offer your team to guide them toward a higher level of productivity:

1. I will work smarter. Can you identify three things you can do to be more efficient and effective in your current job? Is your staff spending too much time on email, for example? Too much time returning phone calls? Does it interrupt their work too frequently?

2. I will increase my working network in and out of my immediate area and inside and outside my company. Can you encourage your staff to get to know more people? Can you meet more people not just to say hello, but to find out what they do, how they do it and what skills they use to be productive? Let them know about your traits, abilities and interests, too.

3. I will find three things that I can do to make myself irreplaceable. Why should the company continue to employ you? Why are you good at what you do? Does the company know this? What else should the company know about you?

4. I will find ways to get along better with my boss and colleagues. Manage upward. If your boss is not managing you well enough or to your liking, then find positive, non-complaining ways to change this situation so that you are able to share your views with him or her.

5. I will join at least one company-wide task force or committee. Do people outside of your immediate group, team or unit know your capabilities, interests and skills? Do you know what is happening in other sectors of our company? Do you know the challenges and opportunities faced by people elsewhere in our organization?

6. I will join a professional organization in my area. Life and work are about growing and developing yourself. What have you done for yourself lately? Have you met like-minded colleagues who share some of your hopes, dreams and goals? Do not miss this important opportunity to learn more about your profession while increasing the breadth and depth of your networking circle.

7. I will take a job-related self-improvement seminar. Are there new techniques, tools and concepts that you need to know about to constantly make yourself into a more important and irreplaceable employee? When is the last time you stimulated your own thinking and gained new perspectives on your job and future? A seminar may very well be the stimulus you need to re-energize yourself and increase your job satisfaction.

8. I will develop four goals to help me grow and develop as a more achievement-oriented employee. Stagnation is the kiss of death in today's corporate economy, where layoffs and downsizing occur daily. So, think seriously about what you can do to be more achievement-oriented in addition to taking a seminar and joining a professional group.

9. I will evaluate my personal contribution to this organization. List three strengths and three limitations to your overall progress. Identify ways to improve on all six, including what you will need from your direct supervisor or other administrators to help move you along the roadway to success.

10. I will try to improve my relationship with at least one person with whom I do not get along. Take the initiative; meet with him or her and discuss the issues, whether overt or subtle, that prevent you from having positive interactions. Remember that your goal as an employee is to make the best of your talents, create synergies with colleagues and increase the productivity and effectiveness of the company. A clear deterrent to those tasks are problematic people relations.

How can you minimize that obstacle to success?

Have a happy and healthy new year.