When Possibilities Overcomes Fear
“On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord”
– Barrack H Obama.
Like the many millions of people around the world, I was one of the few individuals who sat still in front of the TV with much anticipation and excitement to observe the historical inauguration of U.S President Elect Barack Hussein Obama II last Tuesday.
What gets me excited is the energy and anticipation behind the celebration. With the current economic crisis, global climate condition, war and the murder of the innocent, millions are dying and suffering on a daily basis while the “powers that be” can only observe and sympathize with the breakdowns happening in the world. It’s a relieve to know that possibilities for changes can occur, and that still have a slight amount of common sense in taking effective action rather than surrender to their own comfort and fear of the unknown possibilities in the future.
Just imagine, when Martin Luther King delivered his “I have a dream” speech during the March of Washington in 1963, who would have ever thought that it’s even possible for an African American to lead the United States, one of the most powerful nations on earth? A true example of how possibilities can really become a reality, as of today it is a known fact that an African American is the 44th President of the United States of America…
Either Obama would succeed, in leading the United States or the entire world back on its path, the true learning that I would gather from this event lies in Obama ability to create, visualize and stimulate the nations and the world interest for a better future and a better tomorrow. His vision for a better tomorrow is a great start to the path of leadership that is being neglected by most leaders in organization.
For leaders and leaders to be, think for while and reflect back on your team and start thinking on when was the last time you even communicate and talk about your vision and where would you like to see yourself and the team in the future?
Gosh… I’m already having Goosebumps for 2013… Clock is ticking for AIG to be public listed… And it will definitely happen!!!