Appreciative Team Building
Rather than repair deficits, appreciative team building expands what already works. Through examining your moments of greatest success, you'll discover your team's unique combination of talents - your positive core. With these strengths as a guide you'll dream your ideal team, then design and implement specific ways to sustain more cohesiveness, creativity, shared meaning and productivity.
In appreciative teams, pride becomes contagious; trust and engagement grow. The appreciative process can be applied in almost any team initiative:
1. Newly formed teams that want to quickly establish effective roles, responsibilities and norms.
In appreciative teams, pride becomes contagious; trust and engagement grow. The appreciative process can be applied in almost any team initiative:
1. Newly formed teams that want to quickly establish effective roles, responsibilities and norms.
2. Teams aiming for more powerful collaboration.
3. Ongoing project teams facing special challenges.
4. Teams needing renewal or clearer focus.
5. Leadership teams for strategic planning.
6. Whatever the focus of change, the appreciative process frames the agenda affirmatively.
7. Within every complaint lies a dream of how things might be.
Through appreciative team building, you'll construct team roles and relationships that bring these best possibilities to life.
Appreciation for something done for us is natural. However, we still find this act of common sense tremedoudly lacking in our society today.
Appreciation is the most underutlized form of communication and tool used today. Everyone feels unappreciated. That's why it almost has to be scheduled and regimental... with sincerity of course.
All this appreciation is great. However a teambuilding is not the "real" deal. It is created.
What can be done after that is critical.
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