Monday, June 9, 2008

What Makes a Successful Team

Do you have successful team right now? Team building isn’t very different from running a company (pun not intended). And just like with most companies, the organizational structure of a team is important. Who does what, how one job relates to another, the lines of reporting and communication – all affect effectiveness. This is something to continually re-assess.

Here are some things you might like to consider if you’re on the verge of setting up a winning team:

• Make sure that the structure you develop fits the tasks to be done
• Implement any changes on a considered basis
• Explain changes positively (they may be seen with suspicion).
• Keep the organization under review to ensure you retain a good fit between it and what
it must do (external as well as internal changes or pressures can affect this).
• Fine-tune as necessary with an eye on tasks, individuals and the team as a whole.

Do not change for change’s sake, but do not expect things to remain as they are forever without needing change.


At June 10, 2008 at 9:38 AM , Blogger Ms Yati said...

I think before having the successful team, you will first need the right people in the team. Then, everything will flow accordingly. Of course there will be some challenges in the process, and it will be a learning process for everyone in the team.

At June 10, 2008 at 9:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye! Team implies "Together Everybody Achieve More". I am totally agreed with your strategies to setup a winning team. It helps me to recall a scenario, couple of years ago.
The Chinese lady's volleyball team won the world volleyball championship (5 years in a roll). The World Volleyball Federation brought out an idea to have the world best spikers, setters and other players to play against the Chinese team.
Well, you know the answer?! Chinese team still won that tournament.
Look that is exactly what I meant TEAM. That is the little ingredient that puts everybody together and achieves a common goal.

At June 10, 2008 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clear Communication is crucial here.

A Member of outLOUDers - No.1 Confident Community

At June 14, 2008 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teamwork divides the task and double the success.It is better to have one person working with you than three people working for you.

At June 15, 2008 at 4:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Effective Communication, work together or teamwork to achieve mission and also trust other people to do it.

At June 17, 2008 at 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Effective communication and getting the right people in the team is key points here. No matter how many strategies or plans one can come up with to build a company or a department, but without a strong team support there is nothing to look forward too. I totally agree with the steps given to build a winning team.

At June 19, 2008 at 5:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ones Ownership of the teams' objectives and Focus on the task at hand first.

At June 20, 2008 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Successful Team will be achieved when all the team members are helping & support each other. Understanding and respect people's opinion will drive the team to get along forever.

At June 20, 2008 at 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team for me when everyone can work effectivelly to thier own responsibilities and making sure others members not to be ineffective person to the team

At June 23, 2008 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Team that stays together acheives much much more. We just need to see the bigger picture!

At July 21, 2008 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what makes a succesful team?? simple said everthing must come from the heart.A skilled person without a heart to his team is still nothing.


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